
Top-Werk GmbH

Freier-Grund-Straße 123
57299 Burbach-Wahlbach, Germany

Telephone: +49 2736 4976 0
Fax: +49 2736 4976 620
E-mail: info(at)
VAT ID number: DE288913478

Place of Business

D-57299 Burbach-Wahlbach


Robert Gruss, Jens Müller

Court of Registry & Commercial Register No.:

HRB 202409 AG München

SR-Schindler Maschinen-Anlagentechnik GmbH

Hofer Str. 24
93057 Regensburg, Germany

Telephone: +49 941 69682 0
Fax: +49 941 69682 18
E-Mail: info(at)
VAT ID number: DE263750880

Place of Business
D-93057 Regensburg

Court of Registry & Commercial Register No.:
HRB 11263 AG Regensburg

Martin Dalbert


MSM Formenbau GmbH

Industriestr. 9
56459 Langenhahn, Germany

Telephone: +49 2663 6081
Fax: +49 2663 7623
VAT ID number: DE346103569

Place of Business
D-56459 Langenhahn

Court of Registry & Commercial Register No.:
Montabaur HRB 27958

Björn Brandt



Content of the website

We have used the utmost care when preparing our website. However, we cannot assume liability concerning the accuracy, completeness, and actuality of these contents. According to general law, we, as a service provider, are responsible for the content that we publish on this website in accordance with § 7 Paragraph 1 TMG. However, according to §§ 8 through 10 TMG, as a service provider, we are not required to monitor third-party information transmitted or stored nor to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. The obligation to remove or block the use of information under general legislation remains unaffected. However, liability in such cases only applies from the point in time in which we receive knowledge of a specific infringement. Immediately after receiving knowledge of relevant violations, we will remove these contents.

Links on external websites

Our website contains links to third-party web pages. We have no influence on the content of these websites. Therefore, we cannot accept any liability for third-party content. The linked pages were reviewed for possible infringements at the time the links were created. No illegal content was determined at the time the links were established. It is not feasible for us to continually monitor the content of linked pages unless we have a specific indication of an infringement. Nonetheless, should we become aware of any violations, we will remove such links immediately.

Intellectual property rights

The content and works created by the site operator on these pages are subject to German copyright law. Reproduction, distribution, or any utilization of these contents outside the limits of copyright law requires written consent from the author or creator. Downloads and copies of these pages are only permitted for private, non-commercial purposes. Any content on these pages that was not created by the operator is subject to the copyright of the respective third-party. Content from third parties is indicated as such. Nevertheless, should you become aware of a copyright violation, we request that you notify us accordingly. Immediately after receiving knowledge of infringements, we will remove such contents.

Social Media Channels

This legal notice is also applicable to our YouTube channel.

Image sources

Top-Werk GmbH

HESS Group GmbH

Freier-Grund-Straße 123
57299 Burbach-Wahlbach, Germany

Telephone: +49 2736 4976 0
Fax: +49 2736 4976 620
E-Mail: info(at)
VAT ID number: DE292393100

Place of Business
D-57299 Burbach-Wahlbach

Court of Registry & Commercial Register No.:
HRB 10336 AG Siegen

Oliver Rauter, Robert Gruss


Vinzenz-Pallotti-Strasse 3
65552 Limburg an der Lahn, Germany

Telephone: +49 2736 497 611
VAT ID number: DE811805461

Place of Business
D-65552 Limburg a.d. Lahn

Court of Registry & Commercial Register No.:
HRB 6994 AG Limburg a.d. Lahn

Björn Brandt