Machines and production equipment from PRINZING PFEIFFER
Machines and production equipment for pipes, manholes and precast concrete elements.
Leading with
proven technology
Leading provider of production and process machinery for the concrete industry
Machines and production equipment
for pipes, manholes and precast concrete elements.
Leading with proven technology
- Products for sewerage
- Products for sewage water treatment and rainwater utilization
- Products for drainage
- Products for fresh water supply
- Products for power supply ducts and telecommunication
Why we are
so successful
Experience and expertise as well as consistent focus on customer needs.
successful with manufacturers
all around the globe
„The extraordinary
does not happen in the usual way“
J.W. Goethe (1749-1832)
What makes us so successful
Act appropriately by conviction, explore new ways, and have the courage to leave familiar paths. We are confident that our strength lies within the readiness for change and innovation, without forgetting our traditions and roots.
At TopWerk, innovation and tradition do not contradict one another, they complement each other.
PRINZING PFEIFFER Production plants for concrete infrastructure elements
More than 150 years after PRINZING’s foundation, the company moved to a new address, but is still located in Blaubeuren, Germany. Since 2008 PRINZING develops, tests and produces in the completely re-built complex for customers around the world. The year 2014 is also an important step for the development of PRINZING. During the formation of the TOPWERK GROUP the also traditional company PFEIFFER and their range of products was integrated.
PFEIFFER, founded in 1900 and with installations for production of concrete pipes all over the word, represents together with PRINZING more than 250 years of experience in the area of production plants for the manufacture of precast concrete parts for the infrastructure construction. Together with PFEIFFER, a worldwide leading German producer of pipe machines, there is a supplement of the machine program, which is unique in this kind.
PRINZING PFEIFFER has developed within the last decades this extensive product portfolio and successfully established on the world markets. The huge machine- and product program is only one unique feature of company PRINZING PFEIFFER – more are countless patents, developments and special solutions.Thus PRINZING PFEIFFER now offers a complete program for the production of precast concrete elements, which can be adapted to each customer’s request and need.

Either for small and medium quantities, as well as for large quantity production various production systems are available.
It is differentiated between production systems for precast concrete products for
- Pressure line construction
- Sewerage
- Drainage
- Power supply ducts and telecommunication
- Sewage water treatment and rainwater utilization
- Building construction
- Products for roadways and standard concrete products
Additional to the production plants PRINZING PFEIFFER offers the complete accessories, such as mixing plants, cage welding machines and handling systems from one source, to realize for our customers worldwide, at each location, ready-for-use TOPWERKE