Control System

The concrete block machines from HESS GROUP are equipped with a control panel. The height and screen angle can be adjusted to meet the operators needs. A clear touch panel enables the complete control over all functions of the concrete block machine.
The graphic user interface is intuitively designed. Symbolic buttons simplify the operation of the individual parameters enabling understanding of the control system within shortest time. The settings can be entered without further complex input of many parameters. Usually, it is enough to "turn one setscrew," and the intelligent software calculates all of the relevant parameters automatically. Many settings can be controlled via one simple slide control. This operating concept allows even quite inexperienced personnel to become quickly familiar with the control system.
Further features of the control system:
- Automatic mold change can be monitored using a mobile panel directly at the machine.
- An individual recipe can be stored for each mold setting and product group
- The same operating concept for concrete block machines, finger cart systems, etc.