The HESS Concrete Laboratory
More efficient production // better bricks & pavers // through optimized recipes (EN)

We offer:
- Determination of the grain size distribution
- Determination of the fines
- Determination of elutriable components
- Determination of substances of organic origin
- Determination of grain density, per grain group
- Determination of the water absorption, per grain group
- Determination of the bulk densitye
- Evaluation/suitability of the aggregates for specific product groups
- Evaluation/suitability of the admixtures for specific product groups
- Evaluation/suitability of the additives for specific product groups
- Evaluation/suitability of the bonding agents for specific product groups
- Creation of a test report
Identification of basic data for optimization of the recipe

- Creation of the particle-size distribution curve based on the laboratory analysis
- Calculation of volume and density of the mixture
- Composition/calculation of the recipe
- Moisture determination and calculation W/Z Wert
- Assessment of the compatibility of the cement used, additives and admixtures.
- Evaluation/suitability of the aggregates used for the recipes
- Evaluation/suitability of the admixtures used for the recipes
- Evaluation/suitability of the additives used for the recipes
- Evaluation/suitability of the bonding agents used for the recipes
Prerequisite is the laboratory analysis
More efficient production through optimized concrete recipes
Increase in the quality of your products
Production optimization on site
- Creation of recipe families for your product families
- Assessment and optimization of your mixing process
- Assessment and optimization of your fresh concrete transport
- Assessment and optimization of your machine settings
- Start-up mixtures
- Density measurement
- Microscopic analysis/assessment of the face mix surface
Prerequisite is the laboratory analysis and optimization of the recipe in the laboratory.
More efficient production through optimized concrete recipes and optimized production processes
Increase in the quality of your products
Lower scrap rate in production
Reduced rate of complaints
Optimized manufacturing costs