Facemix distribution and service station

Different systems are available for optimum distribution of various face mix concretes. Plus service area.

Station 2 & 3:
Facemix distribution and service station

Facemix distribution station


  • Precise distribution of the facemix
  • Support for material de-aeration
  • Prevention of pore formation

For optimum distribution of different facemix recipes, the following systems are available:

  • Plastic stamps with different millings (adapted to concrete)
  • Gratings
  • Vulcanized facemix distribution plates

Optional Immersion depth adjustment

Electronic adjustment of the immersion depth of the facemix distributor during operation for quick adaptation to different material conditions

  Plastic stamp Grating Vulcanized
Distribution of the facemix ++ ++ +
Cleaning ++ + +
Homogeneous surface ++ ++ +
Non-stick properties ++ ++ ++

+ = well suitable
++ = highly suitable

Service station


  • Easy and quick mould exchange
  • If required, this station can be used as second facemix distribution station
  • Monitoring of facemix distribution during ongoing production

For mould exchange, cleaning and control of mould frames. Here as well as at station 1 and 2, vibration in stop-and-go mode is possible.

Concrete block refinement 
creates room for creativity

The demand for diverse shapes and sophisticated surface designs, such as natural-looking stone surfaces, is constantly increasing.